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Cecilia Levy (b. 1963), Sweden

EDUCATION (selected)

2020-21 Research Lab Craft!, Konstfack, University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm
2003-04 Bookbinding, Leksands Folkhögskola
1991-95 MFA in Graphic design, School of Design and Crafts (HDK), Gothenburg
1990-91 Bildinformation, Nyckelviksskolan
1983-84 Atelier de Sèvres, Paris, France


2023  Sadelmakarlängan, Österbybruk

2023  Konsthantverkarna, Stockholm

2023  Galleri Kammaren, Lund 

2021  Röbäck Glas & Lera, Umeå

2020  Sintra Galleri & Butik, Gothenburg

2019  GKF Galleri, Gotland
2018  Windowshow, Konsthantverkarna, Stockholm
2018  Frövifors Pappersbruksmuseum, Frövifors
2014  Kaleido Konsthantverk, Uppsala
2013  Örebro Konsthantverk, Örebro
2011  Galleri Aniara, Sollentuna
2010  Kaleido Konsthantverk, Uppsala


2022  Gläntan, KHVC, Stockholm & Southern Sweden Design Days, Malmö

2022  Paperwork, Kulturhus Björkboda, Finland 

2022  Blommigt, Kaleido Konsthantverk, Uppsala

2022  Konsthantverkarna Drömmer, Konsthantverkarna, Stockholm

2022  Gläntan, Southern Sweden Design Days, Malmö

2022  SEART at Lusthuset, Spökparken, Stockholm

2022  Magnae Chartae, Homo Faber Event, Venice, Italy

2022  7 X Konsthantverk: RISK, Form Design Center, Malmö

2021  The Handmade's Table, London Design Festival, UK. Represented by Ruup and Form

2021  SEART, Swedens Emerging Art, No Picnic, Stockholm

2021  70-årsjubileumsutställning, Konsthantverkarna, Stockholm

2021  Någon annanstans/Going Elsewhere, Kina slott, Drottningholm

2020  Tankar om trä, tankar om tid, pop-up show, Gustavsbergs Konsthall

2020  COLLECT 2020, Somerset House, UK, represented by Widell Projects

2019  Grant Recipients 2019, Uppsala Art Museum

2019  Poetry in Paper, Museum for Paper Art, Denmark

2019  Dialog II, Konsthantverkarna, Stockholm

2019  I Skogens Dunkel, Virserums konsthall, Virserum
2018  Homo Faber 2018, Venice, Italy (live exhibitor)
2018  Sinnebilder, Ateljéföreningen Hospitalet, Uppsala
2018  7 X Konsthantverk, Galleri S:t Gertrud, Malmö
2017  Light Weight, Konsthantverkarna, Stockholm
2016  Soul of a Bowl, Konsthantverkarna, Stockholm
2016  Next Level Craft, Swedish Embassy, Washington DC, USA
2015  Craft Trend Fair 2015, COEX, Seoul, Korea
2015  Soul of a Bowl, Vogoze Gallery, Korea
2015  Le Banquet, Révélations Grand Palais, Paris, Frankrike
2015  Member exhibitions, Konsthantverkarna, Stockholm
2015  Modernt Hantverk, Konsthall Märsta
2013  Papper, Dalslands Konstmuseum
2013  Popierukas, Kaunas Gallery, Lithuania
2013  Forming Words, Flow Gallery, London and Manchester Craft & Design Centre, UK
2012  Shoeroom, Studio L2, Stockholm
2012  Slow Art, Nationalmuseum
2011  Paper & Stone, with Ulf Johnsson, Sadelmakarlängan, Österbybruk

Nationalmuseum Stockholm

Statens Konstråd, Public Art Agency Sweden

Uppsala Art Museum

Sigtuna Museum

Uppsala municipality

Örebro municipality

Lindesbergs municipality

Uppsala County Council

Dalarnas County Council

Region Västernorrland


2022  Sigtuna Arkitekturpris
2017  New Karolinska University Hospital, NKS, site-specific art for main entrance
2017  Uppsala municipality, commissioned piece for Uppsala municipality Honor Grantee
2012  Uppsala municipality, Gottsunda library

2022  The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, two-year working grant

2021  Estrid Ericsons Stiftelse

2020/19/14/12 IASPIS International cultural exchange (UK, Denmark, South Korea, UK)

2019  Uppsala municipality, one-year working grant

2018  Stipend Konsthantverkets Vänner

2016  The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, one-year working grant

2009  The Association of Swedish Illustrators and Graphic Designers, travel grant

2002  Stiftelsen Albert Ekmans Fond

1994  Göteborgs Slöjdförening



2022  Sigtuna Magasin

2019  Sadelmakarlängan 2011–2017

2018  Homo Faber, Michelangelo Foundation, Venedig, Italy (catalog)

2017  STOFF, Medicinhistoriska museet, Uppsala (catalog)

2015  Le Banquet, Agnieszka Knap ”The viewpoint of Agnieszka Knap” Révélations Grand Palais, France (book/catalog)

2015  BOWL, Korea-Sweden Contemporary Craft Exhibition, Vogoze Art&Craft, Seoul, South Korea (catalog)

2014  Europe Paper Collection, PIE Books, featured artist (book)
2014  Paper Play, Sandu Publishing, featured artist (book)
2012  Slow Art, Cilla Roback, Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden (book/catalog)
2012  Paperworks, Sandu Publishing, featured artist (book)
2011  The New Artisans, Olivier Dupon, Thames & Hudson, featured artist (book)



2019  Gotlands Tidningar 13/5, Edvin Högdal ”Hon har sönder böcker – för konstens skull” (exhibition review)

2019  Gotlands Allehanda 11/5, Lars Schill ”Cecilia Levy visar objekt i papper” (exhibition review)

2019  Paper #6, Jaqueline Fahlander ”Intryck” (interview)

2018  Bizart #34, Johanna Uddén ”Med boken som material” (interview)

2017  Dagens Nyheter 19/10, Sebastian Johans ”Varm värdighet” (review art at NKS)

2017  Dagens Nyheter 13/10, Johan Falkirk ”Ny konst för mänsklig miljö” (review art at NKS)

2014  Uppsala Nya Tidning 22/5, Sebastian Johans "En bok till kaffet", (exhibition review)


2020        Nominated for Design S (Swedish Design Awards) in the Craft category, Svensk Form

2015-      Member of Konsthantverkarna, Stockholm

2009-15  Member of Kaleido Konsthantverk, Uppsala

2006-15 Teaching workshops in book binding at various schools: HDK, Nyckelviksskolan, Sigtuna Folkhögskola and private
2001-02 Junior Lecturer, Graphic design, School of Design and Crafts (HDK), Gothenburg
1998-99 Junior Lecturer, Graphic design, School of Design and Crafts (HDK), Gothenburg

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